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Your CrossFit Amethyst Team

ESTHER (CFA staff photo)_edited.jpg



manager / head trainer / athlete

  • CF-L1 (CrossFit Level 1)

  • CF-L2 (CrossFit Level 2)

  • CrossFit Gymnastics

  • CrossFit Judges 

  • P&PA (Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Coaching) in progress

  • Paramount Weightlifting Clinic


Prior to CrossFit, Esther was a soccer player, runner, bodybuilder, & powerlifter. Originally from Idaho, she made her way over here (like many of us) on the Navy’s terms, in 2015. She quickly got settled at a local commercial gym, & continued with her fitness regimen, but over time wanted more. After discovering CrossFit, she tried it on her own, but thankfully was directed to CrossFit Amethyst by a friend in early 2017. Through the years she has developed as an athlete, & competes for fun, individually & on teams - including but not limited to qualifying for the 2021 Cascade Classic individual scaled division. With her passion for CrossFit, expertise in administrative work due to her previous occupation, & prominence in the CFA community, Esther was the perfect fit for running the gym after the prior owners sold the business to Tim in 2020.


“As a mom, CrossFit has given me the utmost of confidence in my capabilities & in my body - I'm faster, stronger, & fitter than I've ever been. I workout for many reasons, but one of my main reasons for awhile now has been to be strong & fit for my child - I want to be able to pick them up as long as I can, & to run/play with them for forever. I also love that I’m setting an example & raising them in this lifestyle.


CrossFit has been many things for me in different seasons of my life - it started out as & has been a really fun way to stay fit & healthy, then it became a sport which has scratched my competition itch, & it has done wonders for my mental health. Over time while being a member at CFA I used to wish that maybe one day I could step into a bigger role, so I went & got certified in hopes of becoming a trainer. Fast forward to mid-2020, & here we are.


There are so many things I love about CrossFit for myself...the community, the “runners’ high” after a workout, the feeling of a hard-earned new personal best, I could go on & on. Since becoming a trainer though, & now managing this gym, I have a whole new appreciation for what CrossFit is all about. It’s amazing being able to help & watch someone get stronger, mentally & physically, & achieve things they once were unable to do. Everything we do in here is functional for life outside of the gym; we all may have different goals, but my ultimate goal for everyone that comes here is to become/stay fit for life, & to avoid becoming decrepit.”




trainer / athlete

- CF-OL1 (CrossFit Online Level 1)

  • - PN1 (Precision Nutrition Level 1) 

  • - CrossFit Judges 

  • - Masters Degree of Science in Applied Nutrition (in progress)

  • - Has competed in local CrossFit comps, ran 3 half marathons, 1 full marathon, done 2 half ironmans, & 1 full ironman.




Physical Therapist / athlete

  • - Doctor of Physical Therapy, UM grad.

  • - Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology.

  • - ICE trained: Fitness Athlete Specialist (in progress)

  • - Provides PT screenings & treatment for CrossFit athletes, to address potential limitations & improve overall mobility/strength/function.

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trainer / athlete

  • CF-OL1 (CrossFit Online Level 1)

  • CF-L2 (CrossFit Level 2)

  • qualified for the 2021, 2022, & 2023 CrossFit Quarterfinals.


Laura has been doing CrossFit since early 2016. She regularly competes, including but not limited to qualifying for the 2019 and 2021 Cascade Classic Individual Rx Division and competing in the 2021 Open quarterfinals . Growing up, she was very active playing travel soccer, basketball, & softball through high school. She then went on to play Division 1 soccer at Butler University in Indiana. When not coaching CrossFit, working out herself, or chasing a ball, she likes to snowboard, go on adventures with her husband and dog, Tikaani, or read any book, (but prefers fantasy). She’s a huge nerd & will talk all day about Harry Potter, LOTR, or Twilight. She works as a Navy civilian aerospace engineer, & is originally from Ellettsville, Indiana. 


“When I first learned about CrossFit as my soccer career was ending, I didn’t think I would like it, because I don’t like to weightlift or fail. I gave it a try anyway & I haven’t looked back. This was the best next step in my fitness journey as at the time I had no fitness plan for when collegiate soccer ended. Through the 5 years of college soccer, I was plagued with major injuries resulting in one “red shirt” year & 4 knee surgeries. Everyone thought the best thing for me was to take a long break from soccer & “intense” working out. Instead, I started CrossFit, & it couldn’t have been a better decision. CrossFit allowed me to strengthen my knees & muscles in general & I haven’t had any major issues with my knees since starting CrossFit. I truly believe the CrossFit philosophy of “constantly varied, high-intensity functional movements” has greatly & positively impacted my overall health, especially after the stress of a collegiate sport.  


CrossFit is a challenge & that’s what I love about it. There is always an aspect/movement/lift to improve no matter what level you are at. The fact that CrossFit is multi-functional & possible for anyone is a major reason I became a coach. Finding the right cue that helps an athlete achieve a goal or move efficiently in a lift, or seeing the movement “click” is what this sport is about. The greatest part about being a coach is hearing when athletes talk about how CrossFit movements have made “insert body part” feel better/stronger/less sore in day-to-day life.”

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trainer / athlete

  • CF-L1 (CrossFit Level 1)

  • CF-L2 (CrossFit Level 2)

  • CrossFit Kids


"I started CrossFit in 2017 after becoming disenchanted with my running routine and feeling lost at my local gym. My husband Dalton suggested we try some CrossFit at home. We pulled up the Youtube and sorted through some videos. It happened to be early March and we stumbled across a Live Open event. After watching Mat Fraser, Cole Sager, and Scott Panchik throw down in 17.3 to a screaming crowd I looked at my husband and I said, “We gotta try this at a gym.” So we signed up at CrossFit Amethyst.


We were immediately hooked. I loved the community and atmosphere that is unique to CrossFit. Having each class led by a coach in a group setting made all the difference in my workouts. I couldn’t believe how much stronger and faster I became over time. The variety of workouts makes each day different and interesting. And because we track and retest our workouts it is easy and fun to see measurable results. I loved Crossfit so much that in 2018 I pursued my Level 1 and a CrossFit Kids certification to start a kids program. At that time I also began coaching the adults and have been coaching ever since.


In addition to CrossFit I love being with my family, cooking, playing board games, floral design, gardening, swimming, listening to audiobooks, and tent camping."

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trainer / athlete

  • CF-L1 (CrossFit Level 1)

  • CrossFit Judges

  • qualified for the 2022 CrossFit Quarterfinals


Jess started her CrossFit journey in 2016 in Minnesota where she is from. Her journey was not very consistent at the start, but when she moved to Pensacola in 2017 she fell in love with it. She then started her coaching journey in 2021. Her degree is in Athletic Training which helped her have a sound base to begin coaching.


"Growing up I was always involved in different sports. I always loved the team mentality and community feel. My cousin had gotten into CrossFit while I was in college and raved about it. After I graduated I started going to her gym. I fell in love with the community. My favorite part to this day is the team aspect. I love meeting and working out with people from all walks of life and backgrounds. Each day I feel pushed to become better by the other athletes around me. I also love pushing those around me to become the best they can."


She is currently in the Navy working as a Naval Flight Officer flying with the Growlers. When she is not at the gym or working you can find her doing activities like mountain biking, hiking, really anything outside, or hanging out with her dogs. She qualified for the 2021 Cascade Classic individual Rx division.

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owner / trainer / athlete

  • CF-L1 (CrossFit Level 1)

  • CF-L2 (CrossFit Level 2)

  • CrossFit Gymnastics

  • CrossFit Judges

  • Paramount Weightlifting Clinic

  • Burgener Strength Athlete Camp


bio coming soon


An inclusive CrossFit gym in Oak Harbor, on Whidbey Island, WA.


(C) 2022 CrossFit Amethyst

Website by Sugarbird Marketing


    • we are open during class-times


    • Monday, CrossFit classes: 5am, 9:30am, 10:30am, 4:30pm, 5:30pm.

    • Tuesday, CrossFit classes: 5am, 9:30am, 10:30am, 4:30pm, 5:30pm.

    • Wednesday, CrossFit classes: 5am, 9:30am, 10:30am, 4:30pm, 5:30pm.

    • Thursday, Open Gym: 5-6am, 9:30-11:30am, 4:30-6:30pm.

    • Friday, CrossFit classes: 5am, 9:30am, 10:30am, 4:30pm.

    • Saturday, CrossFit class: 9:00am.​


if you ever have any questions about your account or need to place it on hold, please contact us.

Our hours are subject to change during holidays & during the event of unexpected issues out of our control (loss of power, weather, illness, etc) - stay up to speed by following us on social media.

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